e-Council Inc. is a lawyer-owned and operated company comprised of multi-disciplinary, vetted professionals focused on the life cycle of the foreign national’s investment in the U.S. We work with clients to vet business, offer due diligence services, coordinate structure and setup, assist with corporate documentation as appropriate, create stellar visa-oriented business plans that require little adjustment pre-filing, and work with clients post-approval to grow and operate their businesses so that they are at-the-ready for renewal when the time comes. We are the only true concierge ancillary service provider oriented to helping foreign nationals secure their and renew their desired visas. We also work with and support other attorneys as we are experts in the field and boast a stellar track record of success, specializing in helping clients achieve both business and visa goals. Additionally, our Founder, Lauren Cohen, authored a #1 bestselling book, Finding Your Silver Lining in the Business Immigration Process (http://bit.ly/
At e-Council Inc., we definitely know what it takes to help clients and immigration attorneys ensure a smooth path to VISA approval & Business SUCCESS!
e-Council Inc.’s website, newsletter and other forms of communication contain general information about legal matters. The information is not legal advice and should not be relied upon or treated as such. You must not rely on the information on this website as an alternative to legal advice from an attorney or other professional legal services provider, and we strongly recommend that such advice be sought at the earliest possible stage in the process. For specific questions about any legal matter please consult with an attorney or other professional services provider.